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Juby Ad Bank (Juby v2)

  • Prašome prisijungti, kad galėtumėte parašyti atsakymą
Temoje atsakymų: 62

#41 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 12 rugsėjo 2013 - 08:31

Ar kas nors čia spaudo reklamas?
Man įdomu, kaip jie skaičiuoja dienos paspaudimus? Nes tikriausiai, kol yra parašyta, kad nenaršyta šiandien, tol jie nemoka. Bet kada jie restartuoja tą laikrodį?

Viskas gerai. Pasirodo, suspaudai dar 10 reklamų ir laikrodis persikrauna. Paklausiau pats nepasižiūrėjęs.

Šį pranešimą redagavo d2b: 12 rugsėjo 2013 - 08:37

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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#42 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 12 rugsėjo 2013 - 11:11

Na va, atėjo pirmadienis ir nauji bajeriai prasidėjo.
Savaitgalį buvo nesveikas limitas išimant pinigus uždėtas, kad niekas neišsiimtų, dabar uždėjo MAX išsiėmimą 100$.

Kadangi prasideda vėl tokios nesąmonės, kas dar norėtų investuoti, tai patarčiau to nebedaryti, nes vargu ar besulauksite atsipirkimo.

Nežinau, ar šitas ankščiau buvo įrašytas į FAQ, bet pasirodo, tok limitas yra:

We have a minimum deposit of $5 and minimum withdrawal of $10 with a 4% deposit fees to cover processor charges but no withdrawal fees. Presently you can withdraw maximum $100 every 12 hours, Mondays to Fridays.

Na jeigu atvirai, tai man šitas pakeitimas irgi ne itin patiko, bet yra vienas bet. Kadangi naujienlaiškius ne visus gauni, tai irgi greičiausiai pražiopsojai ir aš būsiu padaręs klaidą, kad čia neparašiau, bet šitas pakeitimas jau nemažiau kaip savaitę yra ir turiu pastebėti žmonės ganėtinai sveikai į tai reaguoja. Netgi priima, kaip teigiamą dalyką ir ne kokie mažulyčiai investuotojai, o tokie kurie investuoja tūkstančiais.
Šeip jeigu sveikai į visą tai žiūrint, tai 200$ per dieną nėra labai didelis limitas ir taip jie apsisaugo nuo hit and runnerių, kurie paskutiniu metu žmonėms sukeldavo daug panikos (nors mano nuomone tai ganėtinai normali taktika), kitaip tariant sumažina vietos kur žmonės gali pradėti panikuoti, o panika pagrindinis dalykas nužudantis revshare tipo programas. Kartu su tokiu limitu jie apsisaugo nuo hackerių, kurie paprasčiausiai neturi galimybės daug pavogti.
Kaip jau sakiau man tokie dalykai irgi nebaisiai patinka, bet manau, kad tai gali būti net ir gerai. Visdėlto pritarčiau turbūt d2b. Jei norite čia investuoti, aš visdėlto manau kad dar galima tai daryti, bet darykite tai labai gerai viską išsianalizavę - ir aš kalbu ne apie payment planus, o apie žmonių nuotaikas paskutines programos naujienas, ir tikėtiną ateitį, ir jokiu būdu neinvestuokite pinigų, kuriuos praradę, pajustumėte, kad nukentėjote.
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#43 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 12 rugsėjo 2013 - 11:15

Juby plečiasi:

Hello Juby Family,

How is your Juby business going? Thanks for your support.

In keeping with our promise of introducing more exciting features, we are pleased to announce one of them in this email, its a company forced straight line recycler called Juby Wealth Line. This feature can literarily more than double your money in just a short time - my be in minutes, hours, etc.

How It Will Work:

"The Juby Wealth Line" is a 2x1 company forced straight line recycler that pays out 230% on each spot when cycled.

Members can purchase as many spots as they wish, one spot at a time.

Each spot costs $10 and comes with 500 web site credits to use in our directory listing.

Once a "spot" gets just 2 spots in its next level down, it "recycles". As a company forced matrix, every member who buys a spot comes into the straight line regardless who refers them.

Each recycled spot gets $23 (that is a whooping 230%), out of which $10 is deducted for an automatic new spot in the matrix and $13 is available for withdrawal.

The recycle spots' direct referrer gets $1 at the time of recycle, and $6 feeds into our revenue pool.

How to Buy Spots:

Look under "Add to Account" there will be a link called "Recycler Position" click that link and then complete the purchase.

There will be another link under the "My Account" menu called "My Recycler Posittions" where you can see all of your positions
So, go on and make your purchases.
Always remember that together as a family, we shall make it happen. JubyAdBank: Its Never Too Late To Join.

Admin Juby

Taigi klausimas. Gal kas spėjote įlysti, nes dabar jau uždaryti cycleriai ir aš spėjau pražiopsoti. Jei bandėte pasidalinkite patirtimi.
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#44 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 12 rugsėjo 2013 - 12:28

Po to kai 5 dienas nebuvau prisijugęs, tai buvo nemažai susikaupę balanse. Bet kad ir limitas buvo, pavyko išsiimti visus pinigus per kelis kartus.

To recyklerio nemačiau.
Bet kai jau atsidarinėja nauji planai su dvigubai didesniais pažadais, tai jau nieko gero.
Tai tik vienas iš bandymų pritraukti naujų pinigų ar pristabdyti išeinančius pinigus.
Programa jau dvi savaitės online. Aš asmeniškai nemanau, kad dar savaitę ištemps. Todėl nesistengsiu specialiai reinvestuoti, kad netektų nusivilti kaip pirmą kartą, kai bandžiau paauginti balansą. Pliusą jau pasidariau, manau nereik piktnaudžiauti ir imti jau esančius pinigus lauk.
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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#45 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 12 rugsėjo 2013 - 12:37

Na manau kad neblogas sprendimas d2b. Džiugu, kad nusivilt dėl programos tau jau neteks jei jau pliuse esi :).
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#46 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 12 rugsėjo 2013 - 01:12

Na manau kad neblogas sprendimas d2b. Džiugu, kad nusivilt dėl programos tau jau neteks jei jau pliuse esi :).

Manau ir pats jau esi pliuse. :)
Nors pas mane dar labai menkas pliusas 110%. Paprašiau dar vienos išmokos, kai išmokės jau turėtų siekti 120%.
Nors pas mene visi Ad Packai stovi 135% procentų, bet tie papildomi menki mokesčiai, narystės pirkimai, reinvesticijos, tikrojo uždarbio taip lengvai neleidžia pasiekti.
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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#47 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 12 rugsėjo 2013 - 07:56

Na jeigu nežiūrint į tą faktą, kad dalis mano pajamų buvo iš ref komisinių, tai mano withdrawalai jau yra 190% mano deposito. Jei vertinant, kad ref komisinius irgi turėjau išsiimti, tuomet tik 54% teatsiemiau tačiau dabar žadu kiek padidinti išėmimus, kad ant dūšios ramiau būtų, nors manau, kad programa dar tikrai bent savaitę dvi pratemps.
Tiesa jei sekate naujienas pastebėsite, kad cyclerių įvedimas ir admino ir jo komandos apsižioplinimas sukėlė šiek tiek panikos, kai cycleriai išmokėdavo kiek daugiau nei turėtų. Manau kad nieko labai reikšmingo ir viskas bus sutvarkyta bet dar viena raudona vėliava. Šį kart ne dėl to, kad tai reiškia kad adminas ruošiasi kažkur bėgt o dėl to, kad tai gali kiek pamažint žmonių pasitikėjimą programa.
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#48 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 12 rugsėjo 2013 - 09:31

Na štai ir gana greitai viskas išspręsta. Tiesiog viskas kas įvyko su cycleriais buvo reversinta. Kitaip tariant dabar viskas yra taip lyg cycleriai niekad ir nebūtų atsiradę. Puikus ėjimas greitas sprendimas. Sakyčiau priedas prie admino reputacijos. Susimaut susimovė, bet sutvarkė viską šauniai. Ryt turėtų startuoti cycleriai jau pataisyti.
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#49 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 12 rugsėjo 2013 - 10:16

Kažkaip šiandien vėluoja su išmokomis. Jau nuo pietų laukiu, o vis dar ramu. Ar nebus per daug susimovęs.
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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#50 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 13 rugsėjo 2013 - 06:57

Na per naktį išmokos buvo atšauktos ir man pinigai gražinti į balansą.
Vėl imu ir žiūrėsiu, per kiek laiko išmokės.

Your SolidTrust Pay account has been credited with $65.00.
Details are:
Transaction ID: 2xx464yyy
Member Name: jubyfinance
Email: [email protected]
Message: Cashout #1531029

Šį pranešimą redagavo d2b: 13 rugsėjo 2013 - 11:11

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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#51 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 13 rugsėjo 2013 - 11:49

Išmokos buvo gražintos dėl tos pačios priežasties. Taip buvo išvengta, kad kaikurie žmonės neišsiimtų perdaug. Tiesa kaikurie ir taip išsiemė, bet dabar turi neigiamus balansus.
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#52 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 16 rugsėjo 2013 - 09:36

STP vyksta atnaujinimai ir adminas susidūrė su šiokiom tokiom problemom suderinant programą su STP, todėl depositai ir withdrawalai su STP buvo disablinti kuriam laikui. Kiek suneramino kai kurį laiką negalėjau prisijungti prie STP, bet panašu, kad STP iš savo pusės pokyčius jau baiginėja, tad laukiam kol JAB susiderins su jais viską.
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#53 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 17 rugsėjo 2013 - 05:44

STP problemos vis dar sprendžiamos (su jom susidūrė praktiškai visos HYIP tipo programos), todėl withdrawalai į STP vis dar neveikia.
Įdiegta dar viena ganėtinai keista ir man ne itin patinkanti naujovė. Kai išsiemi 150% savo deposito turi vėl įdėti pinigų iš payment procesoriaus, kad vėl galėtum išsiimti. Lyg ir turėtų prailginti programos gyvavimą, bet mano nuomone bereikalingas pinigų švaistymas mokant payment processorių mokesčius. Tą buvo galima įdiegti ir protingiau.....
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#54 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 19 rugsėjo 2013 - 07:26

Jau STP kaip ir vakar sutvarkė, bent man jau veikė. Nors tikėjausi jau vakar išmokos, teks tikriausiai laukti dar ir šiandien, jei negausiu, jau reiškia kažkas negerai.


Jau vien negerai, kad tektų pinigų įnešti uždirbus 150%, bet man tiek negresia.



You have successfully received money from a registered SolidTrust Pay member! Please be sure to keep this email as your receipt.

  • From STPay member: jubyfinance ([email protected])
  • Transaction Number: 30000067616
  • Amount: $50
  • Currency: USD
  • Note (if provided): Cashout #2731188


Pasiektas 130% atsipirkimas. Dar gal pavyks iš likučių, kokius 20$ pasiimti ir bus viskas. Geriausiu atveju paimsiu 135%.

Šį pranešimą redagavo d2b: 19 rugsėjo 2013 - 09:27

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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#55 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 19 rugsėjo 2013 - 11:13

Aš irgi išmoką vakar gavau, bet man jau teko ir depositą padaryt. Džiugina tai, kad išmoką gavau praktiškai instant.

Kalbant apie kitką, ar skaitėt ilgąjį admino laišką, kur jis aiškina kodėl tiek ilgai tokie aukšti procentai išsilaikė ir pan? Kiek viskuo tuo patikėjote ir šeip ką manote?
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#56 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 19 rugsėjo 2013 - 11:40


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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#57 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 19 rugsėjo 2013 - 01:16

Jeigu kas negavot


Good morning from here and I hope all is well with you and your business.

I have just come online after a season of battling with various payment processor issues and network problems. First it was Soildtrustpay upgrade that changed their API/SCI codes and it affected our system communication with them, and in order to help members cashout to ewallet we introduced a code that somehow affected our PP transactions too. STP issue is still pending but the other PPs are resolved now.

Anyway, that is not the main purpose of this email. I have tried to read our MMG thread backwards, also read emails from members and some support tickets and I feel its very needful to send out this update to clarify the reasons behind some recent actions we took, as some of our dear members are complaining bitterly.

First, I am proud to say that we have been online since over 3 weeks and paying out 0.5% daily plus 20% fast track with over 50% of members from BEP and above and even some well over 700% - 900% profit. We consider this a great achievement in the face of some programs that launched and disappeared even before a single adpack expired.

But one very important question is this: “How on earth were we able to maintain that level of revenue share with only small membership growth and even with less than 1000 active members (those who actually made deposit). The answer is what I am going to describe here in graphic details. Please read carefully:

To start with, some members sent me personal emails stating that the major reasons for slow membership growth, apart from people being cautious of rev shares, is the fact that we limited withdrawals to $100 per 12 hours (total $1000 max per week), but they didn’t know that it was just a temporary measure until we are fully stabilized. I did appreciate these mails, but because people do not have real knowledge of our back end administration, many have formed very wrong opinions of us. If only these leaders have sent in their opinions when we implemented this policy, I think they would have been given the real reasons for that, and we could have even increased the limit for some who have very large downline as we did for few others. Anyway, this is my own side of the story:

We were able to share this high revenue percentage with few active members because the revenues did not actually come from members purchases alone, and that’s why I stated in my last email that we also invested our own funds. This is NOT the usual Admin’s lies, this is a fact and reality. If I were to allow the system pick from actual members’ purchases alone, revenue percentage would have started dropping after the very first week because, even though members were repurchasing, overall membership growth was low and slow and fresh deposits were only coming in slowly. We deposited our own fund – very large amount of money, not in purchase as this will only increase the adpacks in the system, we just added the money and asked our coder to manually add our fund in the Revenue Share Pool. Some of you know our Coder and how to reach him, some even contacted him during the last issue we had when an Admin blackmailed us and said we’re partners, please if you can, try to contact him again and confirm from him about how he added big funds into our Revenue Share Pool twice. The amount I cannot disclose for now. This is something Admins don’t do, because you will only end up paying out more than you have actually received.

The question now is “why then did we add such amount of funds?”. We have plans to run a long term business and we were also discussing with some business men and contractors/suppliers who buy equipment like big generators and other industrial goods from Amazon upto $20,000 to $100,000 per month. We wanted to get them to buy through us so we can get the affiliate commissions, and possibly from there we can recover our funds. I can say from our second week to date, we here have been the backbone of our revenue shares upto 50%. These discussions with the suppliers are yet to be finalized, and even though we have gotten one of the suppliers to agree, he hasn’t placed orders yet. After the 2nd week, we were also anticipating members’ support in recruiting new members, instead some complained about the withdrawal limit, even though many have multiple accounts and withdrew from all and were already in profit.

With all these going on behind the scene and some members were raking in large profits, we took the action of implementing the Re-upgrade rule for only accounts from 150% and above in profit – that’s why we stated that we want to be fair to all members, simply because the high revenue sharing was coming from our own money, not just members purchases. But, you may ask: “Why did we implement it so sudden and without prior warning”. This is the reason: we found that some members who complain more and cause panic were those in high profit, for instance: while we were working on the cycler and withdrawals were pending for just few hours, a member sent us a very irritating support ticket querying why the delay in payout and asking if we are now scam. Funny enough, this is a member who deposited less than $20 and has withdrawn over $400. I can provide this proof in personal chat, if anyone want, but I will keep the member ID secret anyway.

Right now, members can now see the actual revenue share coming from actual sales, because we had to remove the balance of our own money yesterday from the revenue pool since members support was dwindling and our own added fund was fast depleting. All these can be confirmed from our Coder as he does the additions for us into the system. I even complained to him that I am very discouraged by some members’ actions and emails, he (the Coder) was encouraging me to keep up the good work as much as I can. Whoever wish can confirm from him. He’s not a guy that can align with scam Admins, he will tell you the simple truth and fact. Friends, I already have over $8000 invested funds in the system and none back to me yet. Am I complaining? NO!. I feel you need to know the fact and truth, as my members. I careless about those sponsored distractors and bad posters paid to blackmail me and bash my program because their sponsors feel threatened.

Should you believe me? That’s entirely left to you. But, I personally believe in Karma and will NEVER deliberately hurt anyone or steal your money, but if you don’t support me, I cannot help everyone. This is how revenue shares work – some will make huge profit and others loose, but we wanted a situation to be fair to at least a higher percentage and even the big recruiters will make big money over long term. I am planning to build a successful business for myself through the revenue shares and Amazon affiliation.

One email I received recently (just yesterday) stated that I have lost the people trust and confidence in the field, and also complained about the cycler issues. Now I want those people to read and know the actual state of my own investment to run a fair program. One thing you must know, if I am a scammer, I won’t bother anyone with this or any other emails. I will just disappear like some do.

About the cycler; we already have all that outlined as features coming in the future. We even have what we call “PS#2” coming too. The coder has them all in view. These features are to be introduced to keep the momentum and make members engaged too and at sametime create additional earning system. Small glitch was discovered when the cycler was first launched but that’s not enough to cause the level of panic and problems I observed. On second launch, STP problems started, and we are waiting until the STP issues are resolved.

As I conclude this email, I ask myself: “Am I justifying myself and blaming others?” NO! But I have to say that if you want us to succeed together, then we can make it happen, but to blame Admin and whine and complain over any slight issue, we cannot get on for long. And if this dies today, I will be the biggest loser, and I don’t want that happening.

Thanks for reading and blessings !!!

Admin of Juby Ad Bank
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#58 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 19 rugsėjo 2013 - 02:03

Nors ir keistas laiškas, bet regis adminas nori įpūsti visiems pasitikėjimo, kad jo sukurta programa bus ta vienintelė.


Keista, kad pirma užsimina, jog investavo pats į programą, dėl to ji išliko vis dar moki, bet nenori atskleisti kiek. Ir paskui vėliau vis dėlto sako, kad investavo 8k$.

Tik nelabai supratau, tos dalies kur jis bando tartis su dideliais Amozon pirkėjais, kad pirktų per juos, ir kad jis gautų komisinius, kuriais galėtų padengti savo įneštus pinigus. Man čia kažkokia nereali sistema šviečiasi.


Na jei jie dar žada didelių pakilimų, tai manęs ten jau nebebus. Liko dar 2 packai, kurie atidirbs, dar gal vieną nusipirksiu iš repurchase ir viskas. Pliusą pasidariau, daugiau tikėtis ir negalėjau.

  • 0

Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#59 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 19 rugsėjo 2013 - 05:12

Na dėl to, kad adminas buvo investavęs savo lėšų ir taip staiga dabar persigalvojo tai man atrodo ganėtinai bullshit. Visdėlto negaliu skųstis, kadangi jau esu pliuse ir viskas ką dar išsiimsiu bus dar labiau pliuse.
Dėl amazono tai jie nuo pat pradžių turi interguotą amazon shopą ir tikėtina, kad kaip didelį lankomumą turintis puslapis gauna kokius nors discountus ar kažką panašaus. Ir ne paslaptis, kad su amazonu nesunku sudaryti affiliation sutartį. Paprastai tariant jei perka per tavo puslapį, gauni kažkokius nedidelius komisinius (jei neklystu amazone jie yra kažkur tarp 1-5% nuo prekės kainos). Jeigu tokie sandėriai iš tikrųjų vyksta tai tikrai šaunu, bet kažkaip sunkiai tikėtina. Tokių istorijų buvo prikurta šimtus kartų seniau. Žinoma reikia įvertint ir tai, kad šitas adminas susikūrė ganėtinai skaidrią reputaciją. Kiek tame tiesos manau tik laikas parodys. Teoriškai visa tai yra įmanoma, tik man atrodo kiek keista, kad jų shopping mallas yra taip giliai paslėptas. Jeigu jis būtų labiau reklamuojamas ir prieinamas iš member area manau, kad atsirastų ir ir šeip žmonių perkančių visokius niekučius ir generuojančių komisinius.
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#60 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 20 rugsėjo 2013 - 05:55

Na štai ir baigėsi. Kaip ir praeitą kartą, ganėtinai staigi baigtis, bet ne be perspėjimo. Tikiuosi visi išlipote į pliusą. Mano asmeninis uždarbis siekia netoli 200% (ref komisiniai įskaičiuoti). Šį kartą ant programos reklamavimo neišleidau nei cento tad galima sakyti asmeninė investicija pilnai atsipirko.

Admino laiškas negavusiems:


I have worked tirelessly and faced the worst challenges an Admin could face just to get the program running and members earning. To a large extent my happiness is that I see more gainers than loosers. If only those gainers can acknowledge it publicly.

I sent last update stating the fact that large chunks of cash were reversed from our account, and even attached a screenshot of one, yet some claimed I am lying. This is the internet world, why dont you contact STP to verify. Moneys from 2 online programs were reversed at a time we needed cash more.

I added my personal funds to sustain the hourly revenue shares all these while so that members can be happy and I was looking forward to explosive growth (at least, I expected that from what some told me), and the regain my money back. Now, after loosing over $8000 my own money, I also have to bear the name calling and even some claimed I cashed out my money. Thats part of business challenge and I have no grudge against anyone, even those that sent nasty tickets while being in over 400% profit. My friend, I have no grudge against you.

The Revenue shared in our statistics is not the same as amount deposited into the program. Its simply reflecting members purchases and repurchases. Presently, we have paid out more than we received because of my own added fund, which I could not recover.

I believe in Karma, and for the fact that I did my best, nature will help me recoup my losses. I am looking at concentrating now at the Amazon deal offline and possibly get back some rebates, and also work out a way to pay back my Bank loan which I added into the program.

Now, my plan is to take a back up of our current database, and then close shop while working on my other offline project and hope to get back to all members in the very near future, especially those below BEP. I will try to ration out the little that remains and share out to those below BEP.

I still hope to run a program that will be much more successful very soon and I will still be around the MMG forum. Not running to anywhere. Whatever happens, I believe we learn everyday and today, I am wiser. Some of my plans and features only contributed to stalling the program, so I blame myself too.

Thank you to all those who did try to advise me as much as they can, and even tried to see ways to help.

Egyboy in the support group was very helpful. He was so passionate about sustaining beyond this point, but I know, it will hurt people more. Thanks Egyboy. He was not a co-admin, but helped in forum support.

To all other members, please accept my love. To those who raked in large profits, please do not join to bash me, be truthful and say the fact in forums, and to those below BEP, I feel what you feel and hope to get back to you with something that can help you recoup your loss.

Thanks and blessings

Jade Ed (Admin of JubyAdBank)
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