Na, ką. Daugybė žmonių Makui bumbėjo (aš tarp jų), kad šitai būtinai reikia padaryti. Ir pagaliau! Debt swap! Priežastys, kodėl taip laukiau šio reikalo:
1. Naujas, aktyvus CEO
2. Prieš Swap'ą turim daugiau produktų.
3. Bene svarbiausia, - nebeliko tų kvailai aukštų uždarbio planų (250%, 200%, 170%), o su vienu, 115% planu, viskas bus kur kas stabiliau.
Visą istoriją galite paskaityti dienos naujienose
O čia fantastišką nors ir banalų postą MTV forume radau, kurį skiriu visiems dejuotojams, panikuotojams ir panašiems veikėjams:
"From the beginning of this topic, you are showing which users have +100k RPs, so they are considered as "big fishes". Most of those users already made some big bucks from MTV. Heck, some of them are even millionaires now.
Now, let's see what makes a successful investor:
1. Patience - In my opinion, the most important thing you need to be successful.
2. Strategy - You have to plan every single action you are going to make in here.
3. Discipline - Be strictly disciplined. Stick to your plans and strategy.
4. Learning from mistakes - Let's face it. We are all doing mistakes. Happens even with respecting rules written above. That is why we're called humans, not robots.
Based on my opinion, these are the most important things that you need to respect in order to become successful investor.
Now, time for interesting fact.
- There are 340 users with +100k RPs. (not counting portfolio and paidverts)
- 21 users with +100k RPs are selling their shares at the moment. Most of them probably wants to bail out for some reason, but some of them have just put roadblocks, hoping that Marc will remove $0.01 limit, I guess.
So, the conclusion is that there are 319 users with +100k RPs that are standing still, and waiting for MTV to explode.
Now, I have seen many users with low traffic value that are whinning all the time, and trashing MTV system. Then, I question myself, do they really think, that, they are smarter than users that have made thousands/dozens of thousands/hundreds of thousands/millions from MTV? Guess I will never know the answer."
P.S. Deja, šis komentaras puikiai atspindi toli gražu ne vien MTV pasaulį, tačiau ir realųjį. Ypač mūsų tautiečių pomėgį skųstis viskuo, bet vis tiek nei piršto nepajudinti, kad rytoj būtų geriau. Pradedant pensijų fondais, baigiant savi realizacija laisvalaikiu..